
If speaking Dutch is hard you are doing it wrong!
If speaking Dutch is hard you are doing it wrong!Learning Dutch is hard and speaking it is even a bigger challenge. Too many people believe that this is a fact and if you are one of them, then please think again. If you are not moving forward fast, and if you are not having fun, it only means one thing…. You are doing it wrong!
Learn at least 7 times faster
Learn at least 7 times fasterWould you believe that learning 7 times faster is a hard thing to do? Here is something that might surprise you. Learning fast is a lot easier than slow learning and it is far more natural too. But… here comes the catch… there are certain things that you need to do…
Free workshop!
Free workshop!Finding Dutch Flow, How to Open The Floodgate To Dutch Fluency is a unique workshop in the historical center of Amsterdam. Let's face it... how fast will you learn a new language if you feel bored or overwhelmed? Within 3 hours you can experience for yourself how easy it is to make a certain shift so that everything becomes different within seconds...
What about a brainwash?
What about a brainwash?Sure, it may look like a strange idea.... Many people do not like the idea of brainwashing... But.... if you think about it for a second time, it may not be a bad idea for speaking great Dutch.... What if you could get rid of those stupid things and irrelevant thoughts in your head that stop you from speaking great Dutch?